New this week: Image Comics, Dark Horse, Boom Studios and more join the pull list
Welcome back, other comics!
It’s been a while, but we’re finally getting comics from Image, Dark Horse, Boom Studios and more. This includes a new title Ludocrates by Kieron Gillen, as well your favorite issues of Buffy, Doctor Who, Ghosted in LA, in addition to the current titles from DC Comics.
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Weekly preorders is a pre-pay system that guarantees the comics and covers you want! Weekly preorders goes live every Saturday morning and closes Monday at 5pm. Check out the new Preorder items to see all the offers!
New this week
- 7 Deadly Sins TP
- Banks TP
- Batman TP the Black Mirror
- Batman TP the Long Halloween
- Batman TP Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader
- Check Please Hockey GN V2 Sticks and Scones
- East of West TP V6
- Eve of Extinction TP
- Fearsome Doctor Fang TP
- Goodnight Paradise TP
- Pound for Pound TP
- Red Hood Outlaw #45 CVR A
- Red Hood Outlaw #45 CVR B Tan
- Sara TP
- Sentient TP
- Super Sisters GN
- Bang #1 Third Printing
- Belle Oath of Thorns #6 CVR A Vitorino
- Belle Oath of Thorns #6 CVR B White
- Belle Oath of Thorns #6 CVR C Khamunaki
- Belle Oath of Thorns #6 CVR D Tolibao
- Birthright #43
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer V7 #14 CVR A Lopez
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer V7 #14 CVR B Sauvage Spot
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer V7 #14 CVR C Taylor Rof
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer V7 #14 CVR D FOC Slayer
- Dceased Unkillables #3 CVR A
- Dceased Unkillables #3 CVR B Card Stock Mattina
- Dceased Unkillables #3 CVR C Card Stock Horror Tasia Ms
- Deadly Class #44 CVR A Craig
- Deadly Class #44 CVR B Galloway
- Doctor Who 13th Season Two #4 CVR A Anwar
- Doctor Who 13th Season Two #4 CVR B Photo
- Doctor Who 13th Season Two #4 CVR C Comicraft
- Dollhouse Family #6 CVR A
- Dollhouse Family #6 CVR B Jay Anacleto)
- Dungeons and Dragons Infernal Tides #3 CVR A Dunbar
- Dungeons and Dragons Infernal Tides #3 CVR B Character
- Flash Giant #4
- Ghosted In La #10 CVR A Keenan
- Goon V3 #10 CVR A Powell
- Goon V3 #10 CVR B Cardstock Darmini
- Jim Henson Storyteller Ghosts #2 CVR A Walsh
- Jim Henson Storyteller Ghosts #2 CVR B Rostowsky
- Kill Whitey Donovan #5 CVR A Pearson
- Kill Whitey Donovan #5 CVR B Barahona
- Killswitch #4
- Ludocrats #1 CVR A Stokely
- Ludocrats #1 CVR B Mckelvie
- Mirka Andolfos Unsacred #5 CVR A Mirka Andolfo
- Mirka Andolfos Unsacred #5 CVR B Steve Morris
- Mirka Andolfos Unsacred #5 CVR C Jon Lam
- Mirka Andolfos Unsacred #5 CVR D Andolfo Cat Angelina
- Outcast #45
- Plunge #3 CVR A
- Plunge #3 CVR B Gary Frank
- Red Agent Island of Dr Moreau #4 CVR A Vitorino
- Red Agent Island of Dr Moreau #4 CVR B Riveiro
- Red Agent Island of Dr Moreau #4 CVR C Mccoy
- Red Agent Island of Dr Moreau #4 CVR D Richardson
- Red Sonja V8 #15 CVR A Lee
- Red Sonja V8 #15 CVR B Linsner
- Red Sonja V8 #15 CVR C Bob Q
- Red Sonja V8 #15 CVR D Laming
- Red Sonja V8 #15 CVR E Decobray Cosplay
- Savage Dragon #248
- Star Wars Adventures Clone Wars #1
- Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen V2 #10 CVR A
- Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen V2 #10 CVR B Ben Oliver
- Wonder Woman #755 CVR A
- Wonder Woman #755 CVR B Ian Macdonald
- Year Of The Villain Hell Arisen #3 Third Printing
- Year Zero #1 CVR A Andrews
- Year Zero #1 CVR B Deodato Jr
- Zombie Tramp V3 #69 CVR A Maccagni
- Criminal TP V4 Bad Night
- Criminal TP V5 Sinners
- Criminal TP V6 Last of the Innocent
- Criminal TP V7 Wrong Time Wrong Place
- East of West TP V1
- East of West TP V2
- East of West TP V3
- East of West TP V4
- East of West TP V5
- Trillium TP
- Absolute Carnage TP
- Batman Hush TP New Edition
- Batman TP a Lot of Lil Gotham
- Batman TP Batman White Knight
- Batman TP Death in the Family
- Batman TP RIP
- Bowie Stardust Rayguns and Moonage Daydreams HC
- Cosmic Ghost Rider TP Baby Thanos Must Die
- Criminal TP V1 Coward
- Criminal TP V2 Lawless
- Criminal TP V3 Dead and the Dying
- Dceased HC
- East of West TP V7
- East of West TP V8
- East of West TP V9
- God Country TP
- Green Arrow HC Year One Deluxe Edition
- Harleen HC
- Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy HC
- House of X Powers of X HC
- Lady Killer TP V1
- Lady Killer TP V2
- Livewire TP V3 Champion
- Major X TP
- Man-Eaters TP V1
- Mister Miracle TP
- Nightwing TP 2019 V1 The Gray Son Legacy
- Omega Men TP the End is Here
- Prince and Dressmaker GN
- Reaver TP V1
- Silver Surfer TP Silver Surfer Black Treasury Edition
- Snotgirl TP V3 Is This Real Life
- Stargirl TP Geoff Johns
- Teen Titans Raven GN DC Ink
- Vampire Hunter D GN V29 Noble Front
- Venom TP Donny Cates V1 Rex
- Venom TP Donny Cates V2
- Venom TP Donny Cates V3 Absolute Carnage
- Venom TP V4 Nativity
- Vision TP Complete Collection
- Watchmen TP New Edition
- Wolverine TP Old Man Logan
- Funko Pop DC Comics Alan Scott Green Lantern Specialty Series
- Funko Pop DC Heroes Batman and Robin Poison Ivy Specialty
- Funko Pop Farrah Fawcett
- Funko Pop I Dream of Jeannie
- Funko Pop John Wick
- Funko Pop Marvel X-Men Classic Gambit with Cards
- Funko Pop Marvel X-Men Classic Rogue
- Funko Pop Star Wars Mandalorian Heavy Infantry Mandalorian
- Funko Pop Star Wars Mandalorian the Child
- Funko Pop Star Wars Mandalorian The Mandalorian