New this week: Robin 80th Anniversary
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New this week
- 2020 Iron Age #1
- 2020 Machine Man #2
- Aero #9
- Alienated #2 CVR A
- Amazing Mary Jane #6
- Aquaman V6 #58 CVR A
- Aquaman V6 #58 CVR B Roberts
- Archangel 8 #1
- Archie #712 CVR A Braga
- Archie #712 CVR B Renaud
- Archie #712 CVR C Zarcone
- Artemis and Assassin #1
- Ascender #10
- Atlantis Attacks #3
- Backtrack #2
- Bad Reception #4
- Bang #2 CVR A Torres
- Bang #2 CVR B Kindt
- Batman V3 #91 CVR A
- Batman V3 #91 CVR B Card Stock Mattina
- Battlecats Tales Of Valderia #2
- Bitter Root #7
- Black Stars Above #5
- Brave And The Bold #28 Facsimile Edition
- Canopus #2
- Captain America V8 #20
- Captain Marvel V9 #16
- Conan The Barbarian V4 #14
- Crimson Scorpion #1
- DC Dollar Comics JLA #1
- DC Dollar Comics Justice League #1 1987
- Dceased Unkillables #2 CVR A
- Dceased Unkillables #2 CVR B Card Stock Mattina
- Dceased Unkillables #2 CVR C Card Stock Horror Oliver
- Deadpool V7 #4
- Die Die Die #9
- Divinica #5
- Doctor Tomorrow #2 CVR A Rockafort
- Doctor Tomorrow #2 CVR B Towe
- Doctor Tomorrow #2 CVR C Cheung
- Dog Eaters #6
- Dragon Age Blue Wraith #3
- Dragon Whisperer #1
- Dragonfly and Dragonflyman #5
- Excalibur V4 #9
- Family Tree #5
- Fantastic Four V7 #20
- Firefly #15 CVR A Aspinall
- Ghost-spider #8
- Gold Digger #271
- Grendel Devils Odyssey #4 CVR A Wagner
- Grendel Devils Odyssey #4 CVR B Crook
- Guardians Of The Galaxy V6 #3
- Hardcore Reloaded #4
- He Man And The Masters Of The Multiverse #5
- Heartbeat #5 CVR A
- Heist How To Steal A Planet #5
- Hexagon #1 CVR A Corona
- Hexagon #1 CVR B Cittadino
- Hexagon #1 CVR C Xu
- Hotell #1
- Invader Zim #50 CVR A Goldberg
- Invader Zim #50 CVR B Mcginty Paul
- Justice League V3 #43 CVR A
- Justice League V3 #43 CVR B Card Stock Andrews
- Low Low Woods #4 CVR A
- Low Low Woods #4 CVR B Frison
- Lucifer V3 #18
- Lumberjanes #72 CVR A Leyh
- Marvel Action Spider-Man 2020 #2
- Marvels Avengers Captain America #1
- Marvels X #3
- Middlewest #16
- Morbius #5
- Outlawed #1
- Over The Ropes #4
- Plunge #2 CVR A
- Plunge #2 CVR B Frank
- Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 CVR A Mora
- Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 CVR B Leo Montes (c:
- Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 CVR C Mike Montes (c
- Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 CVR D Don Montes (c:
- Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 CVR E Raph Montes (c
- Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 CVR F
- Predator Hunters III #2 CVR A Thies
- Predator Hunters III #2 CVR B Wayshak Glow Dark Ink
- Red Border #1
- Red Mother #4 CVR A
- Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #3 CVR A Parrillo
- Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #3 CVR B Quah
- Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #3 CVR C Garza
- Red Sonja Age Of Chaos #3 CVR D Kunkka
- Resistance #1 CVR A Rahzzah
- Resistance #1 CVR B Deodato Jr
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR A
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR B 1940s Lee
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR C 1950s Tedesco
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR D 1960s Nguyen
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR E 1970s Andrews
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR F 1980s Miller
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR G 1990s Cheung
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR H 2000s Chew
- Robin 80th Ann 100 Page Super Spectacular CVR I 2010s Putri
- Runaways V5 #31
- Something Is Killing Children #6 CVR A
- Spawn #306 CVR A Tan and Mcfarlane
- Spawn #306 CVR B Mattina
- Spawn #306 CVR C Virgin Tan and Mcfarlane
- Spawn #306 CVR D Mcfarlane
- Spider-Woman V7 #1 CVR A Yoon Classic
- Spider-Woman V7 #1 CVR B Yoon New Costume
- Spider-Woman V7 #1 Variant Artgerm Var
- Spider-Woman V7 #1 Variant Chip Kidd Die Cut
- Spider-Woman V7 #1 Variant JS Campbell
- Stabbity Bunny #10
- Star Wars Adventures #31 CVR A Florean
- Star Wars Adventures #31 CVR B Buisan
- Star Wars V5 #4
- Starship Down #1
- Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen V2 #9 CVR A
- Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen V2 #9 CVR B Oliver
- Tartarus #2 CVR A Cole
- Tartarus #2 CVR B Christmas
- Teen Titans V6 #40 CVR A
- Teen Titans V6 #40 CVR B Randolph
- Titans Giant #1
- Transformers V3 #19 CVR A Deer
- True Believers One-Shot Empyre Galactus
- True Believers One-Shot Empyre Swordsman
- Unbound #5 CVR A Riveiro
- Unbound #5 CVR B Colapietro
- Unbound #5 CVR C Burns
- Undiscovered Country #5 CVR A Camuncoli
- Undiscovered Country #5 CVR B Noto
- Undone By Blood #2
- Usagi Yojimbo V4 #9
- Vagrant Queen Planet Called Doom #3
- Valkyrie Jane Foster #9
- Vampirella V9 #9 CVR A Parrillo
- Vampirella V9 #9 CVR B March
- Vampirella V9 #9 CVR C Dalton
- Vampirella V9 #9 CVR D Gunduz
- Vampirella V9 #9 CVR E Teena Titan Cosplay
- Visitor #4 CVR A Pinna
- Visitor #4 CVR B Davis-hunt
- Visitor #4 CVR C Diaz
- Wasted Space #15
- White Ash #3
- Wicked Things #1 CVR A Sarin
- Wicked Things #1 CVR B Allison
- Witchblade V2 #18
- X-Force V6 #9
- X-ray Robot #1 CVR A Allred
- X-ray Robot #1 CVR B Samnee Wilson
- Year Of The Villain Hell Arisen #4 CVR A
- Year Of The Villain Hell Arisen #4 CVR B Federici
- 20th Century Boys GN Perfect Edition V7
- Ajin GN V14
- Beastars GN V5
- Black Panther TP Agents of Wakanda V1 Eye of the Storm
- Bloodshot TP 2019 V2
- Captain America TP Epic Collection Blood Glory
- Cardcaptor Sakura GN Clear Card V6
- Chrononauts TP V2
- Conan The Barbarian TP 2018 V2 Life and Death of Conan
- Hobby Japan 2020 February
- Immortal Hulk TP V6
- Jia and the Nian Monster GN
- Judge Dredd Megazine #417
- Kevin Eastman Totally Twisted Tales TP V1 CVR A Bisley
- Kevin Eastman Totally Twisted Tales TP V1 CVR B Bisley
- King Thor TP
- Last Stop On The Red Line TP
- Money Shot TP
- Nomen Omen TP V1 Total Eclipse Of The Heart
- Notes Case Of Melancholia Or A Little Death HC
- Oblivion Song TP V4
- Pretty Deadly TP V3 The Rat
- Star Wars Insider #196 Px Edition
- Star Wars TP V13 Rogues And Rebels
- Superman TP Bendis V2 the Unity Saga House Of El
- Taskmaster TP Right Price
- Trees TP V3
- X-Men Avengers TP V1 Onslaught
- X-Men TP Milestones Messiah Complex
- DC Bishoujo Statue Batwoman Second Edition
- Dragon Ball Styling Figure Super Saiyan Broly Rage Mode
- Dragon Ball Styling Figure Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black Rose
- Dragon Ball Ultra Instinct Ichiban Figure Extreme Saiyan Gogeta
- Dragon Ball Ultra Instinct Ichiban Figure Extreme Saiyan Ssgss Vegito
- Funko Pop Marvel Venom Doctor Strange
- Gozilla Bank Classic Godzilla
- Marvel Statue Mystique Premier Edition
- Star Wars Artfx Ig-11
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Marvel’s Back In The House
New this week: Image Comics, Dark Horse, Boom Studios and more join the pull list
Curbside pickup and shipping now available
New this week: Robin 80th Anniversary